Monday, February 16, 2009


Went to the 3rd florist this morning and O my goodness I think that we FINALLY found some one that is capable of giving me THE BRIDE what I want! When I told him that I did not want specific flowers he did not even flinch or give me the evil eye, like others, he just moved on to what I do like and want! And I got out my pictures and list of plants/flowers that I liked and he found them for me and showed me how we could use them. Like I had this specific berry that I wanted to use and when I showed him he got the book out and showed me how we could use it! PLUS, my favorite flower can bruise easily, and instead of freaking out about that fact like the last florist...seriously she tried to get me to not use the one thing I have ALWAYS known I wanted the I was upset that she tried to get me not to use it. But this florist reassured me that he takes extra measures to keep them safe and was glad to use them for me!
Also, he gave me the "Ahh-hha" moment by reading my mind in a way. He was willing to give me the flowers and accent foliage I liked and wanted. Plus, when creating the guys flowers he totally used the flower that I was thinking about AND right on the spot created a unique lil something for the groomsmen! It was just really nice to have someone listen to me and be willing to work with me VERSES telling me what to do or trying to create something that I had JUST said that I did not want! Plus, he knows the venue and was like, "I will run down there later this week to refresh my memory and draw out where and how we could decorate..." I love the above and beyond attitude and willingness!
SO I am pretty smitten with the guy...3rd time IS a charm!!! Now lets just hope that it's not an arm and a leg cost wise! ;-)

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Thinking out loud

Sometimes I wonder what this life is going to bring. If I am taking the paths that are the best, most prosperous.
Justin is the best path that I have ever taken...the off beatin path that I ventured down and never looked back!
I wonder about the other paths that I have or currently am walking down. Grad school, it's a path that irritates and brings more tears then anything else and has a way of breaking down my world in just one night of class. Though, it is a path that is to better educate me, make me look better to the world and individuals that make up this nation. Though this MA will not bring in the money unless something magical occurs...haha! Plus, I am in this internship that does not tailor to the area that I would like to work, so I find myself frustrated or feeling like I am not putting my best foot forward. I know that I have to take these steps that I may not enjoy, but what is the point at the end of the day when you are not fulfilled? What is the point when you come home grumpy? Dread class? I try to carry optimism around me the best I can but then there are moments when I have to Qin it all.
I am 24, college grad, engaged, but working as an ABA therapist and in a sense nanny for one family. O and counselor trainee who makes little for her hrs. I feel like I should be more in this world or at least contribute more to the economy and my household. I hate that little of my earned money is going towards this wedding and because of that other dreams Justin and i have must be put on hold. Like buying a house! He loves looking at houses on the market, like a hobby, and I hate that we can not be serious about looking into them. Not even next fall after the wedding. We can not wait to begin our own family together, but want to have a house over our heads not our apartment. I am fine with the fact that we will still be living with our rmmt after we are married, but I don't want to live with him for too much longer.
Basically, I wonder sometimes if I should get another job and consume my life of work and school only for the time being...or if I should look for a full time job and put school on the back burner...I just feel like I could or should be doing more to attain our dream. I know that I am still young (25 in a month ahhh) and have plenty of time to do so much...I just wonder. It's Sunday and I have had a lot of time to think.
I love my life for the most part right now and LOVE where it has brought me thus far...I just wonder sometimes. I am so excited SOOOOO excited about the wedding and starting my life with Justin. It will be the most beautiful event of the beginning of our lives as Man and Wife!
I just really needed to spill out my thoughts...irrational or rational...taking my advice for my clients ;-)

***I hope that everyone is happy, healthy and taking the paths that are paved or unpaved that make them feel fulfilled!***

Only 237 days til the BIG DAY!!!

Thanks for listening to me vent...Love to all!

Thursday, February 5, 2009


Thus far on the wedding...we got another contract for reception signed and paid! Yay! AND Justin took care of it!!! I made ONE more meeting with the 3rd florist to see what they say, think, and compare to other two.
The 1st one: woman did not listen to what I said I wanted/liked, in her proposal she added flowers I said multiple times that I DID NOT WANT.
The 2nd: She was cool and creative, but a lil condescending and rubbed Justin wrong (which I guess my dad caught on to, too). Plus, we met right after I left work/internship and I was flying trying to make the apt so my mind was FAR from wedding flowers so I could not think straight or be affirmative...though Justin and my dad did a great job painting the picture of what I wanted.

SO now we are meeting with the 3rd florist on the top 3 list. I spoke with him today and WOW he is going to be entertaining! Gay and very vibrant! I have a feeling that I will be smiling and giggling a well as Justin and Dad. I love new people who get super excited with me/us about the wedding. And hopefully I will get that "YES" feeling with him unlike the other's. Or he will at least see what I am seeing! And be creative...basically have the positive aspects of the first 2 with an added something special I have been looking for...if not then we will see (probably go with 2).

As for the bridesmaids dresses I found one that I really like, just need to get the ONLY store in OH to get back with me about if I can see it or at least the color swatches of the fabric. What sucks is that those stores don't open til 12pm, which by then I am at work or getting ready for school and I work Sat morning into the afternoon, which after Iam usually running home to get ready for something we have planned...therefore I have limited time to run all over the Tri-State to stores, especially if they don't have what i want to see!

Well that's what's going down on the Wedding Planning Front! Hope everyone is staying safe and warm this fridged winter!